Friday, March 20, 2009

Match Day

It's finally here! We're headed for Tulsa, Oklahoma in a few months. We're excited to go but sad to move away from all our friends we've made here in Galveston. It's hard to believe it's been four years already. We enjoyed our time at the match ceremony. Dave's name was of course one of the last to be called. Not the very last name though, that would've meant we would have won the moolah. Dave leaned over to me during the ceremony and said that he knew his name wouldn't be the very last one so let's get it over with. He was right, it was just almost the last. Neither of us are very surprised to be going to Tulsa. It was his third pick, but honestly we both had a feeling that Tulsa was the place. I slept almost none last night thinking about everything we have to do before we move. It gets extra complicated when you add the fact that I'll be 35 weeks prego when we move. But we're leaving this one up to the Lord. We prayed that we could go to the place he wanted us, so I have faith that I'll get there in one piece, and hopefully not have Bridger in the U-haul!

1 comment:

Nashville Stolle said...

YEA!!! I didn't know it was a ceremony and such... I couldn't handle the suspense. Row and Mik say HI!! and we promise to come visit AND take care of you after Bridger is born (I bet you have him early) Just let me know when you need me- I have girls camp the last week of June up to the 3rd of July- anytime after is GREAT!!!!